Company Name
El Kahira
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Boxes of 20 tablets ( Two strips x 10 tablets ) .
Antiprotozoal-In amoebiasis
Warning & Precautions
Metronidazole is distributed into breast milk; giving it a bitter laste which may impair feeding. the use of Metronidazole should be avoided during pregnancy especially during the first trimester In cases of mixed infection, the appropriate anti microbial for nonsusceptible organisms should be given together with Flagicure.
Product Type
Adults: 1 - 2 tablet three times daily for 5-10 days. Children ( 7-13 ) years : 1 tablet 3 times daily for 5 - 10 days.
Adverse Reactions
Occur only in minority of patients and may take the form of one or more of the following: - Peripheral neuropathy, transient epileptiform, seizures, -Metallic taste in the mouth, mild gastrointistinal disturbances.
Contra Indications
Contra indicated in first trimester of pregnany. Hypersensitivity to Metronidazole .Blood dyscrasias.Presence of central or peripheral nervous disease,Nursing mothers.
Drug Interactions
when given with alcohol,disulfiram like-reaction may occur in some patients. Metronidazole may impair the metabolism or excreation of some drugs including warfarin, phenytoin, lithium and fluorouracil with the consequent potential for an increased incidence of adverse effect.

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