Alexoquine 250mg/Tablet
Chloroquine phosphate 250 mg/tab.
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
10 Tablets
Alexoquine is indicated for the suppressive treatment and for acute attacks of malaria due to P.vivax, P.malariae, P.ovale, and susceptible strains of P.falciparum. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis. Alexoquine does not prevent relapses in patients with vivax or malariae malaria because it is not effective against exoerythrocytic forms of the parasite, nor will it prevent vivax or malariae infection when administered as a prophylactic. It is highly effective as a suppressive agent in patients with vivax or malariae malaria, in terminating acute attacks, and significantly lengthening the interval between treatment and relapse. In patients with falciparum malaria it abolishes the acute attack and effects complete cure of the infection, unless due to a resistant strain of P.falciparum.
Warning & Precautions
Irreversible retinal damage has been observed in some patients who had received long-term or high dosage 4-aminoquinoline therapy. Retinopathy has been reported to be dose related. When prolonged therapy with any antimalarial compound is contemplated, initial (base line) and periodic ophthalmologic examinations (including visual acuity, expert slitlamp, funduscopic, and visual field tests ) should be performed. If there is any indication (past or present) of abnormality in the visual acuity, visual field, or retinal macular areas (such as pigmentary changes, loss of foveal reflex), or any visual symptoms (such as light flashes and streaks) which are not fully explainable by difficulties of accommodation or corneal opacities, the drug should be discontinued immediately and the patient closely observed for possible progression. Retinal changes (and visual disturbances) may progress even after cessation of therapy. All patients on long term therapy with this preparation should be questioned and examined periodically, including testing knee and ankle reflexes, to detect any evidence of muscular weakness. If weakness occurs, discontinue the drug.
Product Type
As directed by the physician or as follows The dosage of chloroquine phosphate is often expressed in terms of equivalent chloroquine base. In infants and children the dosage is preferably calculated by body weight. Malaria: Suppression : Adult dose : 300 mg base on exactly the same day of each week Pediatric Dose : The weekly suppressive dosage is 5mg calculated as base, per kg of body weight, but should not exceed the adult dose regardless of weight. If circumstances permit, suppressive therapy should begin two weeks prior to exposure. However, failing this in adults, an initial double (loading) dose of 600 mg base, or in children 10 mg base/kg may be taken in two divided doses, six hours apart. The suppressive therapy should be continued for eight weeks after leaving the endemic area. For treatment of acute attack Adults: An initial dose of 600 mg base followed by an additional 300 mg base after six to eight hours and a single dose 300 mg base on each of two consecutive days. This represents a total dose of 1.5 g base in three days. The dosage for adults may also be calculated on the basis of body weight; this method is preferred for infants and children. A total dose representing 25 mg of base per kg of body weight is administered in three days, as follows: First dose : 10 mg base per kg (but not exceeding a single dose of 600 mg base) Second dose: 5 mg base per kg (but not exceeding a single dose of 300 mg base) 6 hours after first dose. Third dose: 5 mg base per kg 18 hours after second dose. Fourth dose: 5 mg base per kg 24 hours after third dose. For radical cure of vivax and malariae malaria concomitant therapy with an 8-aminoquinoline compound is necessary. Extraintestinal Amebiasis : Adults : 600 mg base daily for two days, followed by 300 mg base daily for at least two to three weeks. Treatment is usually combined with an effective intestinal amebicide.
Adverse Reactions
Ocular reactions : irreversible retinal damage in patients receiving long term or high dosage 4 – aminoquinoline therapy; visual disturbances (blurring of vision and difficulty of focusing or accommodation ); nyctalopia; scotomatous vision with field defects of paracentral, pericentral ring types, and typically temporal scotomas e.g. difficulty in reading with words tending to disappear, seeing half an object, misty vision, and fog before the eyes Neuromuscular reactions: convulsive seizures Auditory reactions : Nerve type deafness, tinnitus, reduced hearing in patients with preexisting auditory damage. Gastrointestinal reactions: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps Dermatological reactions : Pleomorphic skin eruptions, skin and mucosal pigmentary changes; lichen planus like eruptions , pruritus, and hair loss. CNS reactions : Mild and transient headache , psychic stimulation Cardiovascular reactions : Rarely hypotension , electrocardiographic change.
Contra Indications
Use of this drug is contraindicated in the presence of retinal or visual field changes either attributable to 4-aminoquinoline compounds or to any other etiology, and in patients with known hypersensitivity to 4-aminoquinoline compounds. However, in the treatment of acute attacks of malaria caused by susceptible strains of plasmodia, the physician may elect to use this drug after carefully weighing the possible benefits and risks to the patient.
Drug Interactions
Alexoquine Syrup
Chloroquine phosphate 1.612 gm %
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
120 ml
Alexoquine is indicated for the suppressive treatment and for acute attacks of malaria due to P.vivax, P.malariae, P.ovale, and susceptible strains of P.falciparum. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis. Alexoquine does not prevent relapses in patients with vivax or malariae malaria because it is not effective against exoerythrocytic forms of the parasite, nor will it prevent vivax or malariae infection when administered as a prophylactic. It is highly effective as a suppressive agent in patients with vivax or malariae malaria, in terminating acute attacks, and significantly lengthening the interval between treatment and relapse. In patients with falciparum malaria it abolishes the acute attack and effects complete cure of the infection, unless due to a resistant strain of P.Falciparum.
Warning & Precautions
Irreversible retinal damage has been observed in some patients who had received long-term or high dosage 4-aminoquinoline therapy. Retinopathy has been reported to be dose related. When prolonged therapy with any antimalarial, compound is contemplated, initial (base line) and periodic ophthalmologic examinations (including visual acuity, expert slitlamp, funduscopic, and visual field tests ) should be performed. If there is any indication (past or present) of abnormality in the visual acuity, visual field, or retinal macular areas (such as pigmentary changes, loss of foveal reflex), or any visual symptoms (such as light flashes and streaks) which are not fully explainable by difficulties of accommodation or corneal opacities, the drug should be discontinued immediately and the patient closely observed for possible progression. Retinal changes (and visual disturbances) may progress even after cessation of therapy. All patients on long term therapy with this preparation should be questioned and examined periodically, including testing knee and ankle reflexes, to detect any evidence of muscular weakness. If weakness occurs, discontinue the drug.
Product Type
As directed by the physician or as follows In infants and children the dosage is preferably calculated by body weight. Malaria: Suppression: Adult dose: 300 mg base on exactly the same day of each week Pediatric Dose: The weekly suppressive dosage is 5mg calculated as base, per kg of body weight, but should not exceed the adult dose regardless of weight. If circumstances permit, suppressive therapy should begin two weeks prior to exposure. However, failing this in adults, an initial double (loading) dose of 600 mg base, or in children 10 mg base/kg may be taken in two divided doses, six hours apart. The suppressive therapy should be continued for eight weeks after leaving the endemic area. For treatment of acute attack: Adults: An initial dose of 600 mg base followed by an additional 300 mg base after six to eight hours and a single dose 300 mg base on each of two consecutive days. This represents a total dose of 1.5 g base in three days. The dosage for adults may also be calculated on the basis of body weight; this method is preferred for infants and children. A total dose representing 25 mg of base per kg of body weight is administered in three days, as follows: First dose : 10 mg base per kg (but not exceeding a single dose of 600 mg base) Second dose: 5 mg base per kg (but not exceeding a single dose of 300 mg base) 6 hours after first dose. Third dose: 5 mg base per kg 18 hours after second dose. Fourth dose: 5 mg base per kg 24 hours after third dose. For radical cure of vivax and malariae malaria concomitant therapy with an 8-aminoquinoline compound is necessary. Extraintestinal Amebiasis: Adults : 600 mg base daily for two days, followed by 300 mg base daily for at least two to three weeks. Treatment is usually combined with an effective intestinal amebicide.
Adverse Reactions
Ocular reactions : irreversible retinal damage in patients receiving long term or high dosage 4 – aminoquinoline therapy; visual disturbances (blurring of vision and difficulty of focusing or accommodation ); nyctalopia; scotomatous vision with field defects of paracentral, pericentral ring types, and typically temporal scotomas e.g. difficulty in reading with words tending to disappear, seeing half an object, misty vision, and fog before the eyes Neuromuscular reactions: convulsive seizures Auditory reactions : Nerve type deafness, tinnitus, reduced hearing in patients with preexisting auditory damage. Gastrointestinal reactions: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps Dermatological reactions : Pleomorphic skin eruptions, skin and mucosal pigmentary changes; lichen planus like eruptions , pruritus, and hair loss. CNS reactions : Mild and transient headache, psychic stimulation Cardiovascular reactions : Rarely hypotension , electrocardiographic change.
Contra Indications
Use of this drug is contraindicated in the presence of retinal or visual field changes either attributable to 4-aminoquinoline compounds or to any other etiology, and in patients with known hypersensitivity to 4-aminoquinoline compounds. However, in the treatment of acute attacks of malaria caused by susceptible strains of plasmodia, the physician may elect to use this drug after carefully weighing the possible benefits and risks to the patient.
Drug Interactions

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