Dexpanthenol 2.5 gm/100 gm + Dexamethasone 0.125 gm/100 gm
Company Name
Pharmaceutical form
1, 50 or 100 tubes x 20 gm
- Treatment of irritated, but not injured, rough skin: redness, sunstroke, pressure zones, moderate burns and rough zones (example: hands, elbows and legs). - Facilitation of healing and epithelization in cases of soft wounds, common burns and cutaneous abrasions and irritations, for example after exposure to UV rays or phototherapy, chronic ulcer, bed sores, fissures, cutaneous grafts and cervical erosions. - Non-infected, especially inflamed, lesions as well as the non-infected dermatosis of eczematous character (contact eczema, allergic dermatitis, seborrhoic dermatitis, intertrigo).
Warning & Precautions
The use in children of small age imposes a particular caution. In regions having a problem like the face, the genital region and the cutaneous folds having intertrigo, the product should be used with caution and for not more than one week and over small surfaces. The treatment over wide surfaces and/or for a long duration imposes a particular caution. Treatment must not exceed 2 or 3 weeks of uninterrupted application. Corticosteroids may mask the symptoms of a cutaneous allergic reaction due to a component of the product.
Product Type
As directed by the physician or as follows: Apply a thin layer 1 to 2 times per day.
Adverse Reactions
Allergic cutaneous reactions may be observed in very rare cases. The indesirable local effects like cutaneous irritation, burning sensation, pruritis as well as hypersensitivity reactions to a component of the product are possible especially at the start of the treatment. In case of prolonged application, there is a possibility of the appearance of secondary local indesirable effects typical of corticoids like cutaneous atrophy, vergetures, purpura, telangiectesia, steroidal acne, acne rosacea or peribuccal dermatitis. In case of application over large surfaces and/or under occlusive dressings, the possibility of systemic effects of dexamethasone must be considered: adrenocortical suppression, cushing syndrome, oedema, vergeture, manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and growth troubles in children. It is noted that the decline of the local immune resistance increases the risk of secondary infections.
Contra Indications
- Known hypersensitivity to any component of the product - Cutaneous tuberculosis, syphilis, viral skin infections, cutaneous infections of mycotic origin, recent reactions due to vaccination, dermatological ulcers, acne rosacea and peribuccal dermatitis
Drug Interactions

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