Alloin 15 mg/ Sugar Coated Tablet + Belladonna dry extract 5 mg/ Sugar Coated Tablet
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Spasms and colic-like pain in the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts.
Warning & Precautions
"Prolonged use of Aloe may lead to pigmentation in the intestinal mucosa (pseudomelanosis coli), a side effect that usually reverses upon discontinuation of the drug. Long-term use can also lead to albuminuria and hematuria. Hypersensitivity, manifested by generalized nummular eczematous and papular dermatitis, has been reported after long-term use of oral Aloe preparations. Effects on plasma electrolytes: Prolonged use of excessive laxative doses may lead to significant loss of electrolytes, in particular potassium. The loss of potassium can result in hyperaldosteronism, inhibition of intestinal motility and enhancement of the effect of cardioactive medications. Prolonged use should be avoided.
Product Type
As recommended by the physician or as follows:
1 – 2 tablets daily , in the evening.
Adverse Reactions
Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain, excessive bowel activities, such as diarrhea, nausea and perianal irritation are the primary adverse effects with anthraquinone laxatives such as Aloe.
Dryness of the mouth, mydriasis and tachycardiac arrhythmias, heat accumulation through reduction of perspiration.
Contra Indications
"The drug is contraindicated in cases of intestinal obstruction, acutely inflamed intestinal diseases (e.g. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), ileus of any kind (acute surgical abdomen, bowel obstruction, fecal impaction), appendicitis and abdominal pain of unknown origin.
Not to be given to children under 12 years of age.
Drug Interactions
"Due to aloin:
Antidiabetic agents: Increased risk of hypoglycemia.
Digoxin: Concurrent use may result in hypokalemia resulting in digoxin toxicity. If digoxin toxicity occurs, potassium should be monitored and supplemented if necessary while discontinuing Aloe.
Due to belladonna dry extract:
Phenothiazines: Concurrent use may result in additive anticholinergic effects.
Amantadine, atropine, chlorpheniramine, cisapride, clemastine, clozapine, diphenhydramine, quinidine, scopalamine and tricyclic antidepressants: Concurrent use may result in increased anticholinergic activity (severe dry mouth, constipation, decreased urination, excessive sedation, blurred vision).
Bethanechol: Concurrent use may result in reduced effectiveness of bethanechol.
Procainamide: Concurrent use may result in antivagal effect on the A-V nodal conduction."

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