Testerone propionate 25 mg/1ml Vit. E acetate 50 mg/1ml
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Boxes of 5 ampoules & 3 ampoules
For male: For replacement therapy in conditions associated with: - Primary hypogonadism either (congenital or acquired) or due to - testicular failure. - Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism., For Female - Androgens may be used secondary in women with advancing inoperable metastatic mammary cancer who are (1-5) year postmenopause. - This treatment is also used in pre-menopausal women with breast cancer who have benefited from oophorectomy and are considered to have ahormonoresponsive tumor. - Androgens have been used for the management of postpartum breast pain. Unlabeled use: Lichen sclerosis, cirrhotic man, anaemia associated with chronic renal failure, sexual dysfunction in alcoholic, also used alone or as an adjunct to produce male sex characteristics
Warning & Precautions
Men cardiac, renal, or hepatic impairment, elderly, ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, epilepsy, migraine, diabetes mellitus, skeletal metastases (risk of hypercalcaemia), undertake regular examination of the prostate and breast during treatment; pre-pubertal boys Women Regularly assess for androgenic side-effects; women should be advised to report any signs of virilisation e.g. deepening of the voice or hirsutism
Product Type
(Unless otherwise directed by the physician) Dosage in the male : Male sex hormone deficiency states : Hypogonadism , male climacteric, impotence , infertility , post-pubertal cryptocrhism with evidence of hypogonadism. 1/2-1 ampoule two-three times weekly. Dosage in the female : - Menorrhagia & functional uterine bleeding: 1/2 ampoule three times weekly 8-10 days before expected menstruation. - Postmenopausal syndrome ( alone or combined with an oestrogen eg.: folone-misr): 1 ampoule weekly initially , then 1 ampoule every three – four weeks. - Postpartum breast engorgement in non-nursing mothers: 1-2 ampoules daily for three – four days beginning soon after labor ( helped by breast binders , restricted fluid intake & if necessary ice packs to lessen pain ) - As anabolic in adult males & postmenopausal females : eg. In depilating disease , after extensive trauma or burns , after surgery , & in osteoporosis: 1/2-1 ampoule once or twice weekly
Adverse Reactions
prostate abnormalities and prostate cancer, headache, depression, gastro-intestinal bleeding, nausea, diarrhoea, cholestatic jaundice, changes in libido, gynaecomastia, polycythaemia, anxiety, asthenia, paraesthesia, hypertension, electrolyte disturbances including sodium retention with oedema and hypercalcaemia, weight gain; increased bone growth, muscle cramps, arthralgia; androgenic effects such as hirsutism, male-pattern baldness, seborrhoea, acne, pruritus, excessive frequency and duration of penile erection, precocious sexual development and premature closure of epiphyses in pre-pubertal males, suppression of spermatogenesis in men ( Decrease in sperm count )and virilism in women; sleep apnoea also reported; with patches, buccal tablets, and gel, local irritation and allergic reactions (including burn-like lesions with patches), and taste disturbances . Hepatotoxicity in supra physiologic doses ; rarely liver tumours
Contra Indications
breast cancer in men, prostate cancer, history of primary liver tumours, hypercalcaemia, pregnancy, breast-feeding, nephrotic syndrome
Drug Interactions
Androgens decrease the effect of coagulant factors and decrease blood glucose so doses of both antidiabetic and anticoagulant drugs should be decreased.- ACTH and corticosteroids enhance tendency towards oedema so caution to be taken when giving these drugs.
Testerone propionate 25 mg/1ml Vit. E acetate 50 mg/1ml
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Boxes of 5 ampoules & 3 ampoules
For male: For replacement therapy in conditions associated with: - Primary hypogonadism either (congenital or acquired) or due to - testicular failure. - Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism., For Female - Androgens may be used secondary in women with advancing inoperable metastatic mammary cancer who are (1-5) year postmenopause. - This treatment is also used in pre-menopausal women with breast cancer who have benefited from oophorectomy and are considered to have ahormonoresponsive tumor. - Androgens have been used for the management of postpartum breast pain. Unlabeled use: Lichen sclerosis, cirrhotic man, anaemia associated with chronic renal failure, sexual dysfunction in alcoholic, also used alone or as an adjunct to produce male sex characteristics
Warning & Precautions
Men cardiac, renal, or hepatic impairment, elderly, ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, epilepsy, migraine, diabetes mellitus, skeletal metastases (risk of hypercalcaemia), undertake regular examination of the prostate and breast during treatment; pre-pubertal boys Women Regularly assess for androgenic side-effects; women should be advised to report any signs of virilisation e.g. deepening of the voice or hirsutism
Product Type
(Unless otherwise directed by the physician) Dosage in the male : Male sex hormone deficiency states : Hypogonadism , male climacteric, impotence , infertility , post-pubertal cryptocrhism with evidence of hypogonadism. 1/2-1 ampoule two-three times weekly. Dosage in the female : - Menorrhagia & functional uterine bleeding: 1/2 ampoule three times weekly 8-10 days before expected menstruation. - Postmenopausal syndrome ( alone or combined with an oestrogen eg.: folone-misr): 1 ampoule weekly initially , then 1 ampoule every three – four weeks. - Postpartum breast engorgement in non-nursing mothers: 1-2 ampoules daily for three – four days beginning soon after labor ( helped by breast binders , restricted fluid intake & if necessary ice packs to lessen pain ) - As anabolic in adult males & postmenopausal females : eg. In depilating disease , after extensive trauma or burns , after surgery , & in osteoporosis: 1/2-1 ampoule once or twice weekly
Adverse Reactions
prostate abnormalities and prostate cancer, headache, depression, gastro-intestinal bleeding, nausea, diarrhoea, cholestatic jaundice, changes in libido, gynaecomastia, polycythaemia, anxiety, asthenia, paraesthesia, hypertension, electrolyte disturbances including sodium retention with oedema and hypercalcaemia, weight gain; increased bone growth, muscle cramps, arthralgia; androgenic effects such as hirsutism, male-pattern baldness, seborrhoea, acne, pruritus, excessive frequency and duration of penile erection, precocious sexual development and premature closure of epiphyses in pre-pubertal males, suppression of spermatogenesis in men ( Decrease in sperm count )and virilism in women; sleep apnoea also reported; with patches, buccal tablets, and gel, local irritation and allergic reactions (including burn-like lesions with patches), and taste disturbances . Hepatotoxicity in supra physiologic doses ; rarely liver tumours
Contra Indications
breast cancer in men, prostate cancer, history of primary liver tumours, hypercalcaemia, pregnancy, breast-feeding, nephrotic syndrome
Drug Interactions
Androgens decrease the effect of coagulant factors and decrease blood glucose so doses of both antidiabetic and anticoagulant drugs should be decreased.- ACTH and corticosteroids enhance tendency towards oedema so caution to be taken when giving these drugs.

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