Cidodian Depot
Each ampoule one ml contains: 200 mg prasterone enanthate and 4 mg estradiol valerate in oily solution.Company Name
CID - EgyptTherapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Box of one ampoule .Cidodian Depot Indications
Typical deficiency symptoms of the female climacteric or following oophorectomy or radiological castration for non carcinomatous diseases ( e.g hot flushes, outbreaks of sweat ,sleep disturbances, depressive moods, irritability, headache , dizziness ) . Furthermore , Cidodian Depot has a favorable influence on the irritable bladder , a frequent occurrence in the climacteric , signs of cutaneous and mucosal involution ( particularly in the genital region ) which normally occur with advancing age, and on osteoporotic complaints.Cidodian Depot Warning & Precautions
Special notes The patient should inform her doctor if she suffers from any of the following disorders: diabetes, high blood pressure,otosclerosis, multiple sclerosis , epilepsy porphyria, tetany chorea minor. ln all these cases , strict medical supervision is necessary . Insulin and antidiabetic requirements may change . If uterine bleeding occurs the patient must consult her doctor in order to clarify the cause. During treatment pregnancy must not occur . Depending on the individual situation , patients who are still having menstrual periods should therefore practice contraception with non hormonal methods . If during treatment with Cidodian Depot menstrual bleeding at the accustomed intervals fails to occur pregnancy must be considered despite the protective measures . The treatment must then be interrupted until the situation has been clarified by differential diagnosis . Should increased hair growth on the face and legs or voice changes occur during Cidodian Depot treatment, it is unlikely that this is causally related to the preparation , for experience shows that such signs of virilization can appear spontaneously in the climacteric. Nevertheless patients who would be impeded in their professions by their singing or speaking voices being adversely affected should be kept under particularly close observation during treatment . At the first indication of voice changes ( easy fatigability of the voice, hoarseness and huskiness) it is recommended that the therapy be discontinued since in the individual case of an irreversible deepening of voice it will be impossible to ascertain whether a spontaneous virilization has occurred or not . It has been concluded from epidemiological surveys that the use of oral estrogen / progestogen containing ovulation inhibitors is attended by an increased incidence of thromboembolic diseases . Although no such associations are suspected for injectable steroidal preparation of similar composition, one should keep the possibility of an increased thromboembolic risk in mind particularly where there is a history of thromboembolic diseases or in the presence of severe diabetes with vascular changes or sickle –cell anaemia. In rare cases benign and in even rarer cases malignant liver tumours leading in isolated cases to life- threatening intraabdominal haemorrhage have been observed after the use of hormonal substance such as those contained in Cidodian Depot. The doctor must therefore be informed of the occurrence of unusual upper abdominal complaints which do not disappear spontaneously within a short time as it may then be necessary to withdraw the preparation . There is a risk of endometrial hyperplasia under the administration of estrogens alone . This risk should be avoided , preferably by the additional administration of a progestogen . The resultant transformation of the endometrium generally leads to shedding of the mucous membrane and withdrawal bleeding ( as happens in normal menstruation ) . The scientific brochure contains further information for the doctor . Store all drugs properly and keep them out of reach of children .Product Type
humanCidodian Depot Dosage
Before starting the use of Cidodian Depot a thorough general medical and gynaecological examination (including the breasts)should be carried out. As a precaution, control examinations should be conducted at intervals of about 6 months. Like all oily solutions Cidodian Depot must be injected intramuscularly . Experience shows that the short - lasting reactions ( urge to cough, coughing fits, respiratory distress) which occur in very rare cases during or immediately after injection of oily solutions can be avoided by injecting the solution extremely slowly . Usually one ml Cidodian Depot I.M. every 4 weeks. If the relief of symptoms is prolonged , the intervals between injections can be increased correspondingly. As with all estrogen - containing preparation for the treatment of climacteric symptoms treatment should be discontinud from time to time (approximately every 6 months ) in order to verify the persistence of complains requiring treatment . During treatment pregnancy must not occur ( cf.,Special notes , )Cidodian Depot Adverse Reactions
In rare cases increased libido, feeling of tension in the breasts, increase or decrease in body weight, uterine bleeding and signs of virilization ( cf. "Special notes") can occur.Cidodian Depot Contra Indications
Pregnancy, existing or suspected hormone dependent tumors of the uterus or mammae , previous or existing liver tumors, endometriosis, congenital disturbances of lipometabolism, otosclerosis with deterioration in previous pregnancy , thromboembolic processes .Cidodian Depot Drug Interactions
- Drugs that increase the hepatic metabolism of estrogens and progesterones such as Rifampicins ,anti-epleptics , and grisofulvin are associated with decreased effectiveness - Acute ingestion ,if an alcoholic beverage led to three fold increases in circulating estradiol in women on menopausal HRT - Phenytoin diminishes the effect of conjugated estrogens in a menopausal women - Increase doses of levothyroxine may be needed in hypothyroid women receiving estrogens for post menopausal HRT . - Estrogen reduces clearance and increase the effect of corticosteroids and toxicity of cyclosporine while increase the clearance of a Paracetamol with decreases the effects of anticoagulants , antidepressants , while antagonizes the action of colfibrate , antihypertensives , and antidiabetics
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