Bisolvon Drops
Each 2 ml solution contains 4 mg of Bromhexine HCl.
Company Name
Therapeutic Group
Pharmaceutical form
Bottle of 40 ml
All forms of tracheobronchitis, emphysema with bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions, bronchiectasis, bronchitis with bronchospasm, asthma. During acute exacerbations of bronchitis, Bisolvon should be given with the appropriate antibiotic . Bisolvon may also be administered to facilitate and expedite the expectoration of abnormal fluid present in the bronchi e.g. contrast media.
Warning & Precautions
- Studies in animals have given no suggestion that Bisolvon has any teratogenic potential in humans nevertheless as with any drug, it is advisable to avoid use during the first trimester of pregnancy. - Patients being treated with Bisolvon should be warned to expect an increase in the flow of secretions.
Product Type
1. Oral: Solution 8mg/4ml (60 drops=4ml): - For Adults and children over 10 years : 4 ml t.i.d. - For Children 5-10 year: 2ml t.i.d. - For Children under 5 years: 20 drops t.i.d. - For babies: 10 drops t.i.d. At the commencement of treatment it may be necessary to increase or double the dose. 2. Inhalation (with aerosol apparatus): For sensitive patients it is advisable to warm the solution to body temperature to prevent possible initial irritative cough. Before inhalation in bronchial asthma or with asthmatic symptoms a bronchodilator (e g. Aludrin or Alupent) should first be administered Solution (diluted in water 1:1) - Adults : 2 ml 2-3 times daily. - Children over 10 years: 2 ml 1-2 times daily. - Children 5-10 years: 1 ml twice daily. - Children under 5 years: 10 drops twice daily. - Babies: 5 drops twice daily. The combined administration of inhalation and oral application intensifies the effect and is especially suited for the commencement of treatment in cases where the full effect is to be reached quickly.
Adverse Reactions
Occasional gastro-intestinal side effects may occur but these are almost invariably mild.
Contra Indications
Bisolvon should not be administered to patients with hypersensitivity to bromhexine.
Drug Interactions

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