Friday, June 21, 2013


"Each tablet Amypride 1 mg contains, as active ingredient, 1 mg glimepiride

Each tablet Amypride 2 mg contains, as active ingredient, 2 mg glimepiride

Each tablet Amypride 3 mg contains, as active ingredient, 3 mg glimepiride"

Company Name

Therapeutic Group

Pharmaceutical form

Boxes of 10 tablets each of each concentration 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg

adjunct to diet and exercise to lower the blood glucose in patients with non insulin dependent (Type 2) diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) also indicated for use in combination with insulin to lower blood glucose in patients whose hyperglycemia cannot be controlled by diet and exercise in conjunction with an oral hypoglycemic agent. Combined use of glimepiride and insulin may increase the potential for hypoglycemia.

Warning & Precautions
In exceptional stress situations (e.g. trauma, surgery, febrile infections) blood glucose regulation may deteriorate, and a temporary change to insulin may be necessary to maintain good metabolic control. Hypoglycemia may occur

Product Type

"1 mg Amypride once daily.

If necessary, the daily dose can be raised. and that the- dose be increased gradually, at intervals of one to two weeks and according to the followin dose steps 1mg-2mg-3mg-4mg-6mg-8mg."

Adverse Reactions
Hypoglycemia Eyes :temporary visual impairment Digestive tract :gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea Blood :Changes in the blood picture may occur allergic or pseudoallergic creations

Contra Indications

in patients hypersensitive to glimepiride, other sulfonylureas, other sulfonamides
In pregnant women, breast feeding women , severe impairment of liver function and in dialysis patients. Severe impairment of hepatic function

Drug Interactions
"Glimepiride is metabolized by cytochrom P450 2C9 (CYP2C9). This should be taken into account when glimepiride is co-administered with inducers (e.g. rifampicin) or inhibitors (e.g. fluconazole) of CYP 2C9.

ACE inhibitors; anabolic

steroids and male sex hormones; chloramphenicol; couramin derivatives; ; cyclophosphamide; disopyramide; fenfluramine; fibrates; fluoxetine; guanthidine; isofosfamide; MAO inhibitors; miconazole; fluconazole; para¬iaminosalycilic acid; pentoxifyllin; (high dose parentral): phenylbutazone; azapropazone: oxyphenbutazone; probenecid; quinolones; salicylates; sulfin¬pvrazone; sulfonamides, antibiotics; tetracycline; tritoqualine; trofosfamide. estrogens and progestrogens; phenothiazine; phenytoin; rifampicin; thyroid hormones. H2 receptor antagonists, beta-blockers,"
5 EgyDrug Index: Amypride - SULPHONYLUREA A-DIABS Amypride "Each tablet Amypride 1 mg contains, as active ingredient, 1 mg glimepiride Each tablet Amypride 2 mg contains, as active...

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