Saturday, March 9, 2019

Bellacid | Belladonna Extract & Phenobarbitone


Each tablet contains: Dry Extract of Belladonna 0.01 gm. Phenobarbitone 0.02 gm.

Company Name


Therapeutic Group


Pharmaceutical form

Box of 30 tablets(strips of 10 tablets each ) .


- Peptic ulcer . - Hyperacidity. - Intestinal colic. - Spastic colon. - Pylorospasm. - Dysmenorrhea. - Nocturnal enuresis in children.

Warning & Precautions

- Children and elderly as the drug may cause confusion to them . - In patients with conditions characterized by tachycardia , such as thyrotoxicosis and heart failure where they may further accelerate heart rate. - In the treatment of parkinsonism the dose should be increased gradually and should not be withdrawn abruptly .

Product Type


1 to 4 tablets daily . For nocturnal enuresis: 1/2 to 1 tablet, 1 hour before bedtime.

Adverse Reactions

- Adverse effects are dose related and are usually reversible when therapy is discontinued and includes ; dry mouth with difficulty of swallowing , reduced bronchial secretion ,dilatation of eye pupil (mydriasis) with loss of accommodation (cycloplegia ), transient bradycardia , followed by tachycardia , and constipation . - Hypersensitive reaction is not common and may occurs as conjunctivitis or skin rash .

Contra Indications

- Prostatic enlargement . - Paralytic ileus , pyloric stenosis , and ulcerative colitis . - Myasthenia gravis . - Narrow or angle closure glaucoma . - Ischaemic heart failure , and myocardial infarction . - Severe respiratory depression .

Drug Interactions

- The effect of belladonna may be enhanced by the concomitant use with other drugs having:
• anti-muscarinic properties as amantadine .
• antihistamines .
• phenothiazine antipsychotic and tricyclic antidepressants .

 - MAOIs may enhance the anti-muscarinic effect .
 - Antimuscarinics and parasympathomimetics may counteract each others effects .
 - Valproate and phenytoin rise phenobarbitone concentration in plasma 
5 EgyDrug Index: Bellacid | Belladonna Extract & Phenobarbitone Bellacid Each tablet contains: Dry Extract of Belladonna 0.01 gm. Phenobarbitone 0.02 gm. Company Name CID Therapeutic Gro...

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